Alchemy Wellness Medspa aims to help you honor the special connection between the three levels of your being – physical, mental and spiritual – by integrating body, mind and soul wellness.


Alchemy Wellness Medspa aims to help you honor the special connection between the three levels of your being – physical, mental and spiritual – by integrating body, mind and soul wellness.

We are proud to offer aesthetic treatments – expertly administered procedures that help you to look your best. However, that’s just the start of it: We offer services to help you feel your best physically, too. When your body feels good, you allow universal life-force energy to flow through you more freely. In this state of heightened grace and ease, you are more connected to Source energy, helping you avoid burnout, exhaustion and fatigue. Life can go from a series of sighs to a collection of moments that surprise and delight. We also believe in the power of thought, and how thinking in a certain way can help you live life most abundantly. To this end, we aim to nourish your mind with brilliant speaking events, workshops, and adventures. Through this integration of body, mind, and soul, you will be poised to create the best version of yourself, and we’re so happy to help you do it.

Alchemy Wellness Exterior
Alchemy Wellness - Reception area

Alchemy Wellness Medspa is built on the foundation of Dr. Saima Jehangir’s vast experience and knowledge. As a leading female physician and healer, she has provided whole mind and body services to patients across the US for the past 20 years. She envisions a world in which the concept of “aging” is redefined by ownership of our bodies and strength. The idea that we don’t get older but better is not just something that sounds good; it is good and very realizable through Dr. Jehangir’s methods and modalities.

Whether you want to live most comfortably in your skin, or keep your vibration clear and high, Alchemy Wellness Medspa is for people of all genders, races, sexualities, backgrounds and creeds who want to live fully, authentically, and abundantly in all regards. In fact, it’s for people who don’t fit in boxes, but know the purpose of their being is vast and powerful, and that maximizing that potential starts with self-love. In essence, that is what we do: We facilitate the deep self-love you have for your body, mind and soul.