Beyond marketing hype: Medical-grade skin care, personalized regimens bring out your skin’s healthy best

As time marches on, formerly tight skin, attractive contours, and youthful definition can be degraded due to the loss of substances like your body’s natural collagen, springy elastin, moisture-boosting hyaluronic acid, and fat. Exposure to harmful UV radiation from the sun and artificial sources like tanning beds can also lead to or speed up signs of aging, which range from dark spots and expression lines to deeper wrinkles, saggy skin, and a sunken, hollowed-out appearance. 

Fortunately, Alchemy Wellness Medspa is a leader in Central Austin and greater Central Texas in protecting and restoring the skin’s overall quality. Dr. Saima Jehangir provides medical-grade skin care services. These services are multi-faceted and include consultative guidance on regimens to support sustained skin health and trusted skincare products that work and are tailored to your skin’s one-of-a-kind needs and characteristics. These products can also be recommended to elevate the results from the many cosmetic procedures and therapies available at our office to celebrate and complement your natural beauty. 

An intro to medical-grade products, guidance

Our patients have peace of mind that any product or treatment recommendations are made in the best interests of their skin and overall health and are made with their needs at heart. High-quality products characterized as “medical grade” balance both protection of the skin’s barrier with formulations containing stabilized ingredients. This balance helps to promote enhanced absorption of powerful ingredients into the skin, allowing them to penetrate more deeply while providing a viable and effective option for patients with irritated, sensitive, or acne-prone skin.

Our products, in turn, are supported by research that demonstrates their clinical safety and efficacy. These products are carefully vetted and selected by Dr. Jehangir, who also designs and oversees the development of treatment plans that cater to your unique needs and goals. 

The “magic” of medical-grade skin care

These products tend to focus on active (rather than “hyped” or “fad”) ingredients. These skin-transforming formulations may include any one or a combination of the following: 

  • Glycerin 
  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Retinoids (such as Retinol)
  • L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
  • Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs)

You can trust that Dr. Jehangir and our team at Alchemy Wellness Medspa have the knowledge and first-hand experience to ensure that the combinations of highly concentrated or potent ingredients are tolerated well by your skin and bring out its healthiest, most beautiful “best.” And, when you love how you look, you feel better – a vital ingredient to supporting overall health and wellness. Call (512) 960-3622 to schedule your consultation at our office in Central Austin, TX.