Feel like your vibrant self again by restoring intimate health with the labiaplasty procedure

At Alchemy Wellness Medspa, we celebrate transformations. Yet, we know that the joy associated with your “new little addition” to the family may also be accompanied by an unwanted transformation. You may notice changes to the intimate area that can adversely affect everything from the pleasure that you get from sex to your comfort and ability to exercise. Fortunately, Central Austin, Texas, is home to a women’s health and wellness leader, Dr. Saima Jehangir. Dr. Jehangir can restore your confidence, well-being, sexual satisfaction, relationships, and overall quality of life with the labiaplasty procedure.

Candidates for labiaplasty

Like other treatments, Dr. Jehangir will first consult with you, discuss your concerns, and perform an examination. Generally, “labiaplasty” is about surgical interventions to reduce the labia minora (inner lips of the vagina). Changes to these tissues can occur as a result of the natural aging process and the vaginal delivery of children. Due to the processes associated with aging and such life events, these tissues may become bigger, longer, and even pigmented. Our valued patients come to us seeking support and answers to these and other associated symptoms and concerns, not limited to:

  • Painful sex
  • Discomfort and irritation when working out or engaging in other forms of exercise
  • Inflammation associated with clothes rubbing up against enlarged tissue
  • Poor self-image when wearing form-fitting undergarments, swimwear, and other clothes
  • Irritating friction when in the same position for prolonged periods
  • Hygiene challenges presented by uncomfortable sensitivity and irritation
  • Elevated risk of developing infections, from UTIs to thrush
  • Embarrassing odors (folds of skin may trap odor-causing sweat, bacteria, and dirt)

If you and Dr. Jehangir decide to move forward with this treatment, it can be performed comfortably and safely with local anesthesia. However, we can discuss additional options and approaches based on your specific needs and preferences. 

The treatment is performed at the numbed site. So you will not feel anything. It can also be completed in around an hour to 90 minutes. During treatment, excess tissues are removed or reduced. We will go over how to prepare, what to expect, and after-care and follow-up visits. 

Generally, it’s advised to set aside around a week to heal. After any absorbable sutures have dissolved and incisions have healed, you can get back to your usual activities and sex. Full results can be enjoyed in six weeks. Yet, every patient is different. Your experience and response to treatment are unique. Labiaplasty does have a high satisfaction rate exceeding 90%. 

We welcome any questions that you may have. Call Alchemy Wellness Medspa in Central Austin, TX, today at (512) 960-3622.