Thanks to the “magic” of evolving technology and aesthetic science, today’s laser hair removal services are safe and appropriate for individuals of all skin tones and skin types. It is also suitable for the most delicate and sensitive areas, such as the upper lip, chin, and jawline. Our privilege at Alchemy Wellness is to share with our friends and neighbors from across the Austin, Texas, area the following ‘terms to know’ about this permanent answer to hair reduction or removal and its applications for unwanted hair on the face.
Led by Dr. Saima Jehangir, our team uses the Vectus® laser system by Cynosure. It is one of the fastest ways to precisely, uniformly, comfortably, and safely destroy the follicles in areas where unwanted hair grows. Due to its unique engineering, the Vectus® can treat large areas in just five minutes. Each hair follicle must be treated individually using various methods of permanent hair reduction or removal, such as electrolysis. This process can be intricate and often quite painful. Additionally, the system features built-in cooling and also highly customizable settings. So, unlike other or older laser technologies, the Vectus® allows us to confidently treat darker complexions without the potential risk of thermal damage or hypopigmentation (light spots or marks) traditionally associated with laser-assisted aesthetic therapies.
We can treat almost any area of the body, including the face. Laser treatment presents a permanent and effective solution if you are tired of constantly waxing, shaving, or trimming a hairy upper lip. Lasers are also a permanent alternative to professional dermaplaning. Our laser treatment can also permanently remove excess vellus hair. Vellus hair refers to very fine, soft, and short hairs commonly called “peach fuzz.” While these hairs help to regulate body temperature, some people have more of it than others and may not like how it looks. Laser hair removal can help here, too, but we must determine if there may be an underlying source of such excess hair. Too much fuzz can sometimes be a sign of a medical condition, such as Cushing’s syndrome. Further evaluation will support the most appropriate next steps.
Hair grows in cycles. Anagen refers to the first active growth stage. The succeeding stage, catagen, is an inactive or non-growth period whereby the follicles shrink. Telogen refers to the third ‘resting’ stage, where the strands are dormant, and old hair is ready to fall out. During the final exogen phase, hairs detach from their follicles and fall out, allowing new growth. Understanding this is crucial because we need to ‘time’ our treatments accordingly. So, laser hair removal is not a one-treatment-and-done process. It requires multiple appointments to “catch” and treat hairs when they are in their active growth stage. As with everything at Alchemy Wellness, laser treatment plans are customized to factors such as the thickness and color of your hair and the number and size of the area(s) to undergo treatment.
We encourage you to start the process today! Call our Austin, TX office at (512) 960-3622 to request your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Jehangir.
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